Airport planning is a systematic process used to establish guidelines for the efficient development of airports that is consistent with local, state and national goals.

A key objective of airport planning is to
assure the effective use of airport resources in order to satisfy aviation demand in a financially feasible

 Airport planning may be as broad based as the national system plan or more centrally focused as an airport master plan for a specific airport. 

The primary types of airport planning may basically be

classified as follows:

1. National System Planning (NPIAS)
2. State Airport System Planning (SASP)
3. Metropolitan Airport System Planning
4. Airport Master Planning

Master Plan : 

For an individual airport, owners more closely identify with the airport master plan for their airport. An
airport master plan represents the airport’s blueprint for long-term development. 
A few of the goals of a
master plan are:

1. To provide a graphic representation of existing airport features, future airport development and anticipated land use.

2. To establish a realistic schedule for implementation of the proposed development

3. To identify a realistic financial plan to support the development

4. To validate the plan technically and procedurally through investigation of concepts and alternatives on technical, economic and environmental grounds.

5. To prepare and present a plan to the public that adequately addresses all relevant issues and
satisfies local, state and federal regulations.
6. To establish a framework for a continuous planning process


1. Boundaries and proposed additions to all areas owned or controlled by the sponsor for airport purposes. 

2. The location and nature of existing and proposed airport facilities and structures

3. The location on the airport of existing and proposed non-aviation areas and 
improvements thereon. 


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